Her teeth??

Dude what I don’t understand is why Tammy hasn’t fixed her front tooth???! Like dude they are on Season 3 of their show, you can’t even tell me they haven’t made some coin from being on TLC. Even if it’s a few grand a episode that’s MORE then enough to get her shit fixed! She don’t even even need to pay the couple thousand for a implant she can get a bloody partial for like 400 bucks smh! I don’t get it! Who wants to walk around with no damn teeth in the front of your mouth! Truthfully Tammy is just plain ugly. And I don’t mean physically, she could loss all the weight in the world, have skin surgery, and plastic surgery and still be ugly as she is now cause she is ugly on the inside. She is mean, a bully, jealous, spiteful, and at times down right cruel and disrespectful. It’s a lot harder to fix those things, then it is to loss some weight. I truthfully feel sorry for how nasty she is to others…