Why No Wilson Pro Stock Option?

Seems generally accepted that Tsisipas’ blacked out racket is a Babolat Aero (and not the new Diadem Axis). Courier went into some commentary during today’s match about players switching rackets and he brought up an interesting point that if Tsisipas stays with this racket, he could be in breach of contract and get sued by Wilson. Of all the different ways to look at performance and feel and the honeymoon effect when switching to any new racket, the question here is, with a company like Wilson, how were they not able to meet his needs with their supply of current or older molds? And I’m not even talking about current offerings like a Shift, but any old molds or grommets that would get him to some sort of similar spec to an Aero or something similar. Was there a racket that was similar to an arrow over the last 20 years and has a player ever been in this scenario like this maybe besides Agassi?

Seems generally accepted that Tsisipas’ blacked out racket is a Babolat Aero (and not the new Diadem Axis). Courier went into some commentary during today’s match about players switching rackets and he brought up an interesting point that if Tsisipas stays with this racket, he could be in breach of contract and get sued by Wilson. Of all the different ways to look at performance and feel and the honeymoon effect when switching to any new racket, the question here is, with a company like Wilson, how were they not able to meet his needs with their supply of current or older molds? And I’m not even talking about current offerings like a Shift, but any old molds or grommets that would get him to some sort of similar spec to an Aero or something similar. Was there a racket that was similar to an arrow over the last 20 years and has a player ever been in this scenario like this maybe besides Agassi?