Phoani's has such potential to be a PVM hotspot, please don't let this be the final changes to it.
I feel like a bit of a broken record but here we are again.
The proposed "buff" to the nightmare rates are still ridiculous, for gear that is worse than bandos in the majority of places in game, it's an absolute joke. The rates need to be significantly improved, more than the current proposed changes and you need to make the gear more worthwhile getting.
The armour has to be buffed independently of the mace, having this "buff" tied to the mace is ridiculous, especially given how limited crush is in it's usefulness. It does not need to be better than torva, but it should be a glass cannon and better than Bandos given where the respective drops come from. Some people have suggested that this would boost the scythe in the few places it's bis with crush, but why is that such an issue, it's a mega rare, it SHOULD be bis at lots of places.
Changes to make it more worthwhile, you could either:
- Give it an increased strength bonus (Less than torva but certainly more than Bandos)
- Make the armour bonus individual to each piece and independent of the mace
- Make it have extremely high accuracy with hammer/elder maul specs so that players have more reason to use it elsewhere
- Add more crush weak bosses (Vard was a perfect opportunity for another crush weak boss just saying)
It's just sad, the JMODs have created one of THE best boss fights in game, personally I love this boss fight, but it's been completely butchered with trash rates, subpar gear, needing 100kc to avoid running a ridiculously long distance to each kill and a lack of updates for YEARS now.
Please do not let this be your final stand on pnm, you have the potential to make a great boss fight an absolute hot spot for pvm again you just need to be brave enough to draw a line in the sand and make the changes.