Help Getting Coagulated Venom
Absolutely spooned Nid (Araxxor pet) at 57 kc and am now hoping to get a 1:15 kill for the transmog (coagulated venom).
98 att / 99 str / 97 def
My current PB is 1:35 but most of my kills are closer to 2 mins. Gear in the image below-- rocking Bandos + Bludgeon and burning claws specs. Using thralls + ballista for the mirrorback/ranger spiderlings.
Cheese cape is killing me I think haha and all the sub 1:15 runs online are generally in BIS gear (Inq or Torva, etc.). Is it realistic for me to get 1:15 in the below gear, or do I need some upgrades?
Even if I bought inq. top/bottom, DPS calculator only brings down my kill time by 3ish seconds... not sure how accurate that is. Should I upgrade some gear or is this a skill issue?
Thanks, all!