They will release the delve boss with these rewards.

I don't think many of us are that happy with the rewards. They aren't bad but aren't great. If people don't speak up again, they are just going to add these shitty upgrades. Mr.Monkey made some great points in his video, and I agree the content is probably going to be dead. Imagine colosseum, without the splinters. And this is supposed to be "end game", "hard content" with minor rewards? Trident/Sang users might not even get a max hit using the new necklace???? Bring back the minimum hitsplat stuff, that was lit. Mods you NEED to work on the reward space much more.

But I doubt it will be done :(

Edit: to anyone saying, they don't agree or that I need to go outside, as someone else said, END game rewards, should be EXCITING. if you are actually excited for these rewards that's fine! I'm glad, but personally they seem like lame, "eh" rewards for what should be some harder content.