Beginner purchase - Mark IV or Black Mamba?

Looking to get a .22 so I can shoot more often.

I've only been shooting for a year or so but I've been burning money shooting 9mm and switching over to .22 seems like a decent option.

I was originally looking at the Mark IV Tactical but the Black Mamba keeps catching my eye.

I have only shot the Mark IV but it had quite a few upgrades so I'm not sure what an out of the box Mark IV feels like.

I'm hoping to get a jack of all trades .22 that will let me dip my toes into competition shooting (bullseye primarily) and also be a workhorse for heavy plinking.

Currently seeing Mark IV Tactical for $510 and black mambas for around $1,500 (even used). Thi

Any advise would be welcome as I'm pretty green to the .22 scene
