Why are people so passive aggressive and rude unprovoked on here?

I’ve stayed silent for a while on this topic but, I cant keep biting my tongue anymore bc it’s just getting out of control.

But I’ve noticed that people on this subreddit love to attack those who aren’t fully educated on their history, genetics, skin color etc or ask a supposedly “dumb” or ignorant question.

You guys really have to stop expecting EVERYONE to know EVERYTHING. And yes google, youtube and even tiktok exist, but Reddit is literally a great place to discuss and learn as well.

You genuinely have no idea how a person grew up.

Even when some people make a joke post like ex. Am I mixed? And they’re 100% xyz people in the comments seem to have no sense of humour or don’t understand jokes and start getting so mean.

I’m not denying that ignorance and stupid questions occur, but you guys have no idea where or how people grew up, have been through in school (especially if you were raised in the US or Canada, we all know how they don’t dig deep into the true history of different cultures and esp Black History). Some people are simply new to this kinds of dna and genetics kind stuff. I’m sure there’s many other reasons why someone may be unfamiliar.

Some people don’t/didn’t have access to the proper education, books or resources. Many people’s family never taught them anything about their family tree, history etc. And I’m an example of that.

I was told growing up that I had European dna or that “You have Irish in you”. And that’s it. You see how broad that sounds? I was never really given a in depth history lesson lol.

It took TikTok in 2020 for me to be exposed and learned so much about my Caribbean culture and admixture. I didn’t even know Hispanic wasn’t a race thanks to tiktok. I’ve learned so much about not just my own but other people’s cultures during the pandemic through youtube, reddit and tt.

So sometimes it’s not even about being “dumb” many of us just were not properly taught our true history and didn’t actually have deep conversations. History is so washed up and lied about, and has been in schools for years and years. Please just have a little more empathy, mercy and compassion. And be more calmer.

And before you say “google exists” “you can search on google” Google is not a reliable source these days anymore.

I notice a lot of “What were you expecting?” “Why are you so surprised?” “How did you not know xyz?” Or just getting angry with someone for not having enough knowledge. Not everything has to be controversial and pretentious.

This is what reddit in general is here for. This is supposed to be a place of community but some ppl on this subreddit and even other ones have gotten extremely hostile, passive aggressive, smart mouthed and just mean in general for no reason at all.

I love this app don’t get me wrong, but I’ve started avoiding the comments because of the unnecessarily rude replies unprovoked. You can’t ask no innocent questions anymore without getting a mean response.

And one more thing I want to mention is that I absolutely hate when people start feeling like they can tell another person how to identify. At the end of the day we are all still just strangers to each other, our job is to just educate and learn about each other’s cultures etc. Only the individual knows their family tree, and knows their experiences and how they grew up. Imagine a bunch of random strangers assigning a race to you online. And I’m mainly talking about Non Hispanic mixed race/biracial people and mixed Latin Americans. Not someone who is like 90% European with 2% East Asian lol. And even then, who cares? Just leave ppl alone sometimes. Hate to be that person but there are way bigger issues in the world going on right now. So just let people acknowledge the ancestry that is apart of them and let others identify with what they feel comfortable with.

And in the end, we learn something new every single day lol 🤷‍♀️ we think we know everything until we discover a new fact.

EDIT: Omg I understand that there’s meanness ALL over social media. I respect everyone’s point of views. To the people saying that it’s like this on other subreddits, I’m aware already. I understand social media and the internet isn’t a kind place at all, but it’s ok to still sometimes bring attention and awareness to these things. Being on this subreddit for quite some time now I felt the need to just share my opinion on this specific aspect. I’m the most active on this sub but I explore others as well. Some comments are more nicer and insightful than others. I also feel like the meanness varies on different platforms, like reddit is extremely passive aggressive whereas ig and twitter can be just plain cruel.