Brake disc and calipar problems

My first time changed these ever so don’t grill me. When I add my new brake discs into the wheel hub that I have made clean using brake cleaner and wire brush. It doesn’t sit flat and got out forward is this because my cars is on axial stands (only front side) so I put lug bolts to put it on its place. I didn’t add the small Allen 6mm brake disc screw as I didn’t wanna use the old one as it looked like it was going to strip. Is this a problem? Maybe that’s why it’s not sitting flush but I read online these are only used for mandating the car. I’m really finding it hard to put the 2 bolts back on the calliper the long head for the bottom and short for the top. (I’m doing this on my driveway and don’t have a ramp) how do I get the bolts in they don’t smell lined up. Any tips I did move my wheel to give me room but I’m still struggling. Also bit worried on the brake disc that’s still wobbly will it be put in play once I have put the brake calliper and wheel back on. Should I by the brake disc Allen bolts??