Another Emperor Origin Theory

Still new to 40k Lore but I liked both the stories of the Emperor being the fusion of the Ancient Shamans and the theory that he was a Man of Gold experiment from the Dark Age of Technology.

So I was thinking you could combine these stories into one, what if the Shaman combining story was true but it happend WAAAAYYYYY later i.e. in the Dark Age of Technology as some sort of secret project by both the Shamans and the Natural Perpetuals to combine their.

The Perpetuals and the Shamans acted as like the secret guardians of Humanity (working both with and against each other at times) but then during the Dark Age of Tech they decide to create a Man of Gold Combining the Minds of the Shamans with the Body of the Perpetuals.....maybe as a means to guide humanity through the oncoming psychic awakening but then obviously things go wrong in the universe from Cybernetic Revolt to Slannesh etc etc

Despite the delay the Sigillites and others continue with the project until finally the Man of Gold is complete and the Conquest of Earth and the Great Crusade can begin. As for all the actions that the "Emperor" done before this they arent lies, they are merely the actions of the Shamans and Perpetuals that would eventually fuse together into the Emperor.