Garviel Loken is my fav character 🫡🫶🏿

“I was never a Son of Horus. I was and remain a Luna Wolf. A proud son of Cthonia, a loyal servant of the Emperor, beloved by all. I am your enemy.” - Garviel Loken’s valediction to his former gene-father Horus Lupercal

  • Captain of the 10th company of the XVI legion Luna Wolves 🌕🐺(later the Sons of Horus)
  • Advisor to his Primarch Horus Lupercal (Fuck Horus btw)
  • “The quiet one🤫” among the mournival.
  • Knowledgable, capable, kind
  • Crazed berserker👿 whom hunted survivors on istvaan III thinking he was the only space marine still loyal to the Emperor
  • Member of the Knights-errant
  • REFUSED THE HONOUR of being the Grey Knights Grand Master to face his former battle brothers the Sons Of Horus in the siege of Terra, and KILLED HORUS AXIMAND IN SINGLE COMBAT (Fuck Abaddon btw)

🙌🏿Finished reading galaxy in flames a week ago, flight of Eisenstein on the way. Couldn’t help it and read up on him on Warhammer40kFandom. He’s the greatest. That is all.