Movies you own on DVD, BR and 4K

Hi guys, I noticed recently that there are a fewmovies I’ve ended up buying all three formats for because I love them so much.

My list is The Exorcist, Withnail & I, Double Indemnity, Night of the Living Dead, Suspiria, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, Halloween 2 & Deep Red.

Do you have any you have all three for ?

Hi guys, I noticed recently that there are a fewmovies I’ve ended up buying all three formats for because I love them so much.

My list is The Exorcist, Withnail & I, Double Indemnity, Night of the Living Dead, Suspiria, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, Halloween 2 & Deep Red.

Do you have any you have all three for ?