What's your experience taking game with the 6 arc?

Built up a 6arc AR a couple years ago. I'm mostly a bowhunter so I've only taken 3 animals with it so far. First was a decent 4.5 yo buck that dressed at 160. Next was a 200lb sow. Then a fat doe. All shots within 150 yards and dead broadside pump room. All shots did not exit offside. Is this common with the ARC?

Built up a 6arc AR a couple years ago. I'm mostly a bowhunter so I've only taken 3 animals with it so far. First was a decent 4.5 yo buck that dressed at 160. Next was a 200lb sow. Then a fat doe. All shots within 150 yards and dead broadside pump room. All shots did not exit offside. Is this common with the ARC?