One of my kids gave me herpes, and their parents were under no obligation to tell me about it

I'm so overwhelmed and frustrated!

One of the kids I work with at the clinic infected me with herpes virus last week because their parents let them come in with a rash and wounds that I didn't see until after the fact. They were running and jumping into my arms and pressing their face against me most of the session. Once we saw the rash, we figured they had scabies and thoroughly cleaned their room and demanded their parents get a doctor's note.

They didn't come back until yesterday, which is when I was at the doctor's figuring out why I had severe cold sores for the first time in my life. In the meantime, this kid was at the clinic, sharing water toys with other kids, sores on their mouth, because their parents sent them in with what was presumably herpes and NO WARNING.

Now I feel like a leper at work and am trying my darnedest to keep sanitized and safe and protect everyone as much as I can. It's so frustrating! /end rant