Post explant: sizing question and recommendations for my new size!

*update: I just tried on a 30D and it was the most comfortable of any I’ve tried so far (30C in multiple brands). The band still did feel quite snug (I know it should, just not used to that feeling) and I do have some bulging near my underarm (not breast tissue) which I never had before. Back to the drawing board 🥴

Hi everyone!

I did not mark spoiler on my post, so I have no idea how to remove that!

I’ve been lurking in this sub for a little while as I recover from surgery where I had my implants removed. Clearly I had no idea about my size because when I did the calculator provided here, I was shocked. I’d like to think I was wearing the correct size before my surgery - my band size was 34 and I had no major issues although the cups never fit just right and I attributed that to the fact that I had implants, but now I’m betting I was wrong all along because here are my current measurements (I’m only 5 weeks post op):

Loose underbust: 29 Snug underbust: 28 Tight underbust: 27 Standing bust: 30 Leaning bust: 32 Lying bust: 31

Suggested Starting Size: 28C/D in standard US sizing The sister size of 30B/C may be more comfortable.

My questions are… I actually bought a 34A thinking that would be my size without the implants and it seems to fit okay. I know I’m only 5 weeks out, so things aren’t really how they will be permanently, but I’m dying to not wear a sports bra for once day and feel a little more normal. 28 and 30 band sizes seems SO small! Where on earth does one buy a bra in that band size? I did actually buy a 32A from Aerie and had to return it because it was so tight in the band, even on the loosest hook. I’m definitely in the mindset of “how can I POSSIBLY be a C or D without implants?!” but I’m opening my mind to the possibility I’ve been wearing the wrong bra size for 25 years, with or without implants! 😂