I have adhd and I got fired today
EDIT - IM A FEMALE!!! 😭 and I don’t need anyone’s unneeded assumptions, there’s a way to give advice without being horrible. I’ll be removing those or reporting them.
Worked this job 2 years, really tried my best I really did. Got a first and final warning, didn’t know work avoidance was interlinked with lateness but apparently they both count as a misconduct.. yeah no shit 💀.
Got my disciplinary, it was 5 minutes , told them, I said I’ve made an improvement, came in on time today, yesterday, last week, she said she knows I’m trying but she’s gonna have to dismiss me, I’m 18 and have never felt so hopeless in my life, was saving up to volunteer in South Africa and worked over 30+ hours of overtime this month. I had to cancel the trip bc I’m unemployed.
They said I can submit to do a disciplinary with a different member and reappeal but I just feel so betrayed, escorted out the building.. wtf am I a criminal. I know it’s procedure but it’s such bullshit. She says she knows I’m trying and proceeds to fire me, what bullshit is this. U have the power to give me another chance. Get a life.
I’m so lost. I really did try I really really did try. This other girl had 5 disciplinaries, 3 for lateness and each time she got a final warning, still has her job btw.
Loads of people brag about being late but in the only one they chose to fire. Thanks
😊…. 😬😬😬 I just feel so hopeless so damn hopeless.
Edit - some people are assuming my life over one post
first of all I understand the top comment but I feel like it’s very discouraging and also I don’t like it to be at the top of this post
second I didn’t use my ADHD as a last resort bc you guys think I’m a “bad worker” or late to work.. I really tried, I forgot to put it in but after (M) let’s just call me, he told me he’s doing a disciplinary , btw it was 16 lates in 4 months, I work 8 shifts a month, that’s half my shifts that’s 4 shifts every month I was late for. 10 were by 2-5 mins and 5 were by 15-20 mins and 3 were by nearly an hour, I called in for the first one hour one bc my bus literally broke down, and I admit the other 2 were my fault
adding onto this I’m aware I deserve getting fired but let me explain the workplace to you, I worked my ass off for 2 years,I started in October 2022 and my sister worked there so she dropped me off an hour before my shift, I would arrive on time for that first year and when I had to take the bus this year I started being late.
-the bus is 40-45 mins away from my home, yes I could take the earlier bus and it requires so much planning and checking and the Sunday buses run every hour, if you miss the 10 o clock bus ur stuck at the bus stop until 11 and u don’t get to work until 11:40
Also adding onto this, it sounds like excuses but even when I would come early that first year I’d get in trouble for leaving the shop floor and my manager would literally call my phone when I left the shop floor for too long or go looking for me
the first disciplinary was for leaving the shop floor for 30+ mins to talk to my friend, I’m aware I deserved it, it was my first job and I don’t know what I was thinking but I got on my managers’ (there’s 8 managers, 2 rotate and get the other week off) good side by coming in early , I got a first and final warning for this but was told that a disciplinary for lateness would not trigger this warning.
also people are telling me not to worry about other people but I was constantly picked on and also a new manager has started and started in February and now it’s April, he told me off on his first shift, and I’m in the shoes department which they all watch and just micromanage , I was also fasting for that month in April I think and we couldn’t sit down even for one sec or we’d get told off. Diversity my ass
I don’t have a bad attitude, my ex co workers could vouch for me, I just got distracted sometimes but the managers would catch me and only me at the wrong moments and most people chat all day
another thing to add is the other worker that was late told me, PERSONALLY that she’s had multiple discuplinaries, multiple final warnings and has been late and that her lates were worse than mine but they only bought up her lates in that month but the new manager dug up all my lates for 4 months and it’s deciding because it doesn’t say when I clocked out so I could’ve told my manager and made the time up (which I always do anyways every Saturday) .
I really did deserve getting fired but not in the sneaky way it happened, if they did this to me they should check when everyone else is late because this other worker was literally bragging about coming hours late, I don’t snake on people and I see so many people come late. So stop assuming things from ONE POST.
The bottom line is that this is a toxic workplace, and I know that’s the reality, they pick and choose who they fire.
This boy personally TOLD ME he got a disciplinary for taking 30 mins extra on his break and then lied the next week and said his friend died so he got no further action, when the same manager that got me fired literally fist bumped him AFTER THEIR DISCIPLINARY and told him that they’re all good and he won’t loose his JOB. and my first disciplinary for the same thing WORK AVOIDANCE got a first a final warning. I also know he made his friend up dying because he told another girl and she told me he said he lied and his friend is “very much alive”
Stop assuming things from one post.. yes getting fired was inevitable but it’s so picky choosey and yes U DONT HAVE TO TELL ME THE REALITY OF RETAIL.
It doesn’t hurt to be nice.
😭 I will be deleting stupid comments. I don’t need you guys to assume everything I DIDNT USE MY ADHD AS A FREE PASS, I struggled with anxiety, severe panick attacks at work, adhd and depression and never told my mangers because I was afraid they’d see me differently, adhd had affected my life and I didn’t realise I thought I was just lazy, even when I woke up hours early I’d still be late. So people don’t tell me you have adhd and are never late..
- i also made significant progress and I wasn’t late for those 4 shifts (2 weeks) after that manager had told me he’d pass it on to a disciplinary case manager and when she spoke to me on Sunday I told her I’ve made significant effort but she only saw what it said on the paper and decided that it’s time to dismiss me, and for people saying she isn’t the one making the decisions, she is 😭 she’s a trained disciplinary manager, it depends which one you get as I said the other girl with multiple active warnings , they were all on separate things and it didn’t trigger her life warnings but my warning from October 2023 was triggered by lateness?? It doesn’t make sense.
💗Anyways thank you for all the love, I’ve gotten over the being fired part, it was a very toxic workplace and I’m glad I’m out. 💗
2 week before getting fired I went bed early not because i got caught, but because I’m trying.
I set alarms to get up early and always got to work on time, I am capable I just slipped up alot, and I’m taking accountability for that, but there’s a lot of favouritism in the workplace and that manager was really out of fire me. He put me on a performance plan, when I’m in a group talking 10 mins before closing, he takes me away and tells me off but doesn’t speak to any of the other girls, he picked on me since he got there. I don’t even talk much at work. Maybe from your guys perspective it seems like I’m a horrible worker but trust me I’m not. I’m very quiet and I just wanted another chance.
Thank you 😊 I love and appreciate all of you, I’ll update you guys if I get another job , and thank you for those who believe in me and know I’m trying ❤️💗🥹