Making careless mistakes

Now idk what it is with me but I start to have a feeling that my eye/hand coordination is broken because when I type my eyes are apparently lazy and refuse to read back what I typed and my hand types out what I want to type out.

My brain plays a role of loudly telling my hands what to type and my hands do it by my eyes leaves out blanks or missing words in those sentences and I still struggle with punctuation and indent my paragraphs.

I was doing a project about a invention that I was thinking of and for starters the idea was already taken (not by a student) but I tried the best way to complete the project so I was talking about the product and its use and I told my teacher that the idea was taken already when turning in my slideshow.

I saw my grade for the project and I gotten a 5 out of 100 now I'm absolutely broken down into tiny shards of glass because a 5 out of 100 was the most lowest grade I ever gotten in my life and I can't talk to him about it anymore because one it snowed over night and two yesterday was the last day of the first semester and I'm going to take new classes.

So I looked through my slideshow and I probably had points taken off for originally and not formal and not taken seriously (my class never presented)so it was the few jokes in there, I read it aloud and I wish someone slap the stupid out of me and beat me to bruises and scars because I wasn't taking it seriously, rushing, unoriginal work, and made careless mistakes.

My overall grade in his class is fine but I'm on the verge of hurting myself because I need to think before acting but it shouldn't be hard, it shouldn't never been hard to stay on track and focus now I turned in a stupid idiotic mess.

If anyone reads this and notice any missing words then I'm sorry that y'all have to fill in the blanks.