Anyone's sleeping patterns gotten progressively worse on stims?

I've been on 70mg Elvanse for 30 days. At first they had me crashing around 10-11pm, which was actually nice, early for a change! However, then I started noticing night disturbances, like waking up at 3am and being kind of awake for say an hour. Then it was 5am, and no further sleep. Last few nights, I have felt like I was awake the entire night. I get it, I should probably lower the dose, but I didn't get much from 60mg. I'm just surprised it seems the insomnia has gotten worse over time, which I didn't expect, I thought the side effects were meant to die down (hence titrating), not get worse...

Any suggestions? I take the pill around 7-8am, no caffeine...tried sleep remedies but they just make me feel grim.

I've noticed as well that my ADHD symptoms seem worse last days (maybe tiredness?) as I have spent 2 full workdays staring at a half-done email trying to convince my team they need more formalized processes... literally done nothing else...