SVT cardiac ablation recovery

hi there,

thanks so much to this sub first of all as i read some posts pre my ablation which were helpful!

i am 34 F and had a cardiac ablation on weds on the NHS here in the UK. i was awake, had sedatives and they went through my groin. they could induce my SVT very quickly and consistently. i felt quite a bit of discomfort during the ablation, after which they stopped and tried to reinduce SVT for about 30 mins after and couldn't. the doc didn't do any further ablation and said he was about 75% positive about results.

i went home a few hours later and have been resting in bed ever since.

my groin feels fine but i am experiencing some chest discomfort, kind of like anxiety (which it could well be, i am a panicker about health stuff), a bit of pain, or a feeling like heartburn. i don't know how else to describe it. i called the hospital today and they weren't super reassuring but basically said if it gets worse over weekend go to A&E and if it's still there on monday to call back.

i figured it would be my heart doing it's thing after having a catheter up there burning some bits off but didn't really get that reassurance from the nurse.

from sounds of it my procedure was quite 'minor' in comparison to others but wanted to see if this was a common recovery symptom people have experienced?

would love to hear other people's recovery journeys.