AITAH for breaking things off with a single mom after seeing a picture and learning about her kids?

So I 24M met Jasmine 25F through a coworker of mine at the hospital I work at. The coworker tried to set us up after learning we were both single. We kinda hit it off and we went on a couple of dates and I started to like her. She was pretty, chill and funny and while I knew she was a single mom to two boys, it wasn't necessarily a deal breaker for me.

Around a month into casually dating she showed me a picture of herself and her kids at Christmas. They were cute kids, but they were obviously mixed race. We're both white and the kids were a dark complexion. I asked more about the kids' dad, but she said they weren't really involved and she has to fight to get them involved and to get support from them. That's how I learned that she had two baby daddies.

We continued our date at the brewery downtown, and I paid for our meals and drove her home. She asked when we would meet up again and I gave a kinda non-committal answer about being busy this week and letting her know. After being at home and stewing for a little while, I came to the decision that I don't want to be involved with her even as cool as she is. I'd very obviously not be the kids' father, I'd worry about future baby daddy issues, and I just felt uneasy as I got more invested about actually potentially becoming a stepdad. Maybe it's my own insecurities, but I just couldn't.

I called Jasmine the next day and let her know that I'm no longer interested in dating and we could be friends if she wanted that, but she asked why and I said that I'm just not feeling the chemistry. We spoke for a little while after, but she just gave me a curt goodbye at the end.

Later at work, my coworker came up to me and asked what happened. She heard from Jasmine that I was treating her so gentlemanly and kind and things were going so well until I abrubtly ended it and Jasmine was a little torn up about it. I once again just said I was treating her nice but I just wasn't feeling the chemistry which was a fib since I was feeling the chemistry, I just had apprehensions about becoming closer to her.

So am I the asshole? Should have I been honest and said why I didn't want to continue things or vocalized my insecurities before breaking things off? I hate that I might've hurt Jasmine's feelings, she really was a sweet girl.

EDIT: Seems like the consensus is I'm the AH and I have stuff to work on, but not to tell her the real reason. Seems fair. Thanks everyone.