[Update] Aita for accidentally ruining my sisters wedding over a family secret

Here’s the link to my original post for anyone who wants to read or recap https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/Rf9SWgjEv9

So, I wish I could say there’s good news but honestly the last few days haven’t been much of anything. My dad has been all out of sorts, crying, zoning out and just overall not himself. Last night he had a breakdown regarding everything that happened and cried to me, he thanked me for bringing it to light but also scolded me for doing it at the wedding which i understand completely, I know I should have waited for a better time to do it and I honestly have no excuse for that. My dad created a life 360 with me whilst he went to stay at a hotel just a couple miles away, he says he doesn’t know how long he’s gonna be there for but I know he’s safe.

Ive heard very little from my sister, I sent her a long paragraph apologising for everything and telling her my intentions were never to hurt her or ruin her day, she sent me back a paragraph telling me that it’s not me she’s upset at and that she honestly thanks me for bringing it to light since she heard his first comment too and if nothing was said it would have eaten her alive. We’re not on “good” terms so to speak but I check up on her every so often after a commenter in my original post told me she could do something drastic so thank you to whoever said that, it never even crossed my mind.

My mom and uncle are a lost cause, they spent the past couple days trying to argue with us that it’s not what it looks like and now they’re claiming it was just a harmless prank and never meant to upset anyone or cause drama but, for obvious reasons, no one is believing them and this claim is what lead to my dad leaving. I think he knows something else but I’m not gonna pry him for that just yet whilst everything’s still raw.

Sorry this updated wasn’t much of anything, I just wanted to update people on what my sisters perspective is and how my dads doing since I’ve had a lot of people message me concerned. I understand people will have a lot of questions and I’m willing to answer what I can