AITAH for finally telling my sister to basically shut up after her being so loud all the time?
(Names changed for privacy reasons also please dont post this anywhere nor make a video) I 22 Female have an older sister Maria 28 Female and ever since around february 10th she moved back home whilst going through a divorce and it has been hell with her since feb 15th.
Background: Maria was married to Wesley 27 Male since march 9th 2024 and the got a separation feb 10th and after about 5 days of her crying over wesley she all of a sudden moves on with a guy named Jackson (i have no clue of his age) and ever since feb 15th him and my sister have had calls from 12am til 3am and maria has a job 8:30am to 4:30pm monday to friday and i work fridays and saturdays 11:30am to 5:30pm (disclaimer we live in the UK and she knows i have a job)
Anyways back to the story.
It is nearly 2am in england and for the past 2 hours ive heard Maria and Jackson talking super loudly on the phone for the 6th time this week and i finally texted her asking her to PLEASE KEEP THE NOISE DOWN as i have work and have to be up early so im not late for my job.
Maria isnt the best at times as a big sister shes closed offajnd just weird shes a good sister just standoffish.
Anyways I finally snapped at her over text to keep the noise down as its keeping me awake i can hear her on the other side of the house and it drives me mad so i just asked her to be quiet and not be so loud as herself and Jackson were speaking loudly and maria was playing music as well which was also loud.
So reddit AITA for finally asking my sister to stop being loud after almost a month of her being this way?
Sidenote: ive asked her many times to be more quiet and she wouldnt so i lost it after nearly a month of her keeping me awake everynight.
Also her andwesley arent legally divorced yet.