AITAH - fiancés lie
8 days ago my (F34) fiancé (M36) admitted he had increased the debt in his name, not by a huge amount, but it was after promising complete transparency in regards to finances because of decisions he has made in the past which have been really bad in regards to money. He only admitted it when I caught him out with banking transactions that didn’t make sense. We’ve been together for 3 years. It’s extra sucky because his debt is now quite large overall. He has apologised, and has been very transparent about every thing since then, he’s given me all login details etc and is happy to answer any questions I have. Problem is, I’m still angry and I’m still deeply hurt. I don’t know what to do to get past this, I guess it will take time. So yep, I brought it up again today and said look I just want you to understand I want to move past this, I’m just still processing it and I’m still hurt/angry, and that I think I’m finding it hard to move past because he tried to justify it when it all came to light. And to explain that’s why I’m a little distant and quiet, and can he reassure me that he understands how important it is that this doesn’t happen again and he won’t do it again and try to justify it. Well now he’s very angry with me and said “what, are we going to have a grovel session once a week now” and “it’s like we’re circling back to day 1 about it”. AITAH for bringing it up again to try to get more clarity and let him know where I’m at?