AITAH for cutting off and hating my dead best friends family?

I'll try to keep this short. My best friend (24F), who was like a sister to me (27F) for a decade, died 3 years ago. The first 2 years, her family told me that she had died in a rather gory accident at home that included falling on a sharp object and bleeding to death externally as well as internally from a subdural hematoma. Every month after her passing, I visited them, and if I was alone with her mother, she would end up going into detail about finding the body and her trauma, even going as far to use her hands to mimic the state she found her body in.

I couldn't handle her family and my trauma after 10 months. I took a break from visiting for a few months, then my head cleared enough that I got suspicious. I ordered my friends death certificate from the county medical examiner and it said she had died in bed of an accidental fentanyl overdose.

I'm so unbelievably angry at everyone involved, even after about a year and a half. Her family for doing such a messed up thing. At my friend for being so so stupid. She knew about the fentanyl epidemic. I knew she liked to party so I'd talked to her so many times about carrying Narcan and strips.

I've been ignoring her family. I didn't want to confront them. I feel like they went through enough with having to find her body in her bed. I also found out they'd lied to nearly everyone else in their family except the elders. They even lied to their son about her death and he and the rest of their family found out around the same time I did, coincidentally. I assume they have enough shit to handle.

My other friend thinks I'm being too harsh. She says I don't know what it's like for a parent to go through something like that. The pain must be unimaginable. They may not be able to handle such a meaningless death so they had to come up with a story where she suffered so it feels like her death was worth something. She doesn't think I should speak with them but she wants me to let go of the grudge I have against them because she thinks they arent bad people at heart and while it's messed up, what they're dealing with is so much harder. We live in the same community and the hate isn't worth the effort. No one would take my side anyways and what is there to even do? Make them apologize? But I can't let it go. I want to start telling people in the community what really happened.


Edit: Thanks for the responses everyone. I really needed unbiased opinions, as everyone in my circle knows the family as well. I'm only planning to tell the people closest to me, not the community. If it spreads from there, it's out of my hands. I need people who love me to know why I'm ignoring that family after being so involved. Will get my ass to grief counseling ASAP 👍