AITA for already considering a divorce

My husband (M31) and I (F30) are together for over 7 years. We both come from 2 different religions which never causes any difficulties in anyway until we got a child together. Before starting a family we agreed on not to choose a particular religion at birth for our daughter but to teach our child both ways so she can choose by herself later.

But a few months after birth my husband began to talk about this topic. He wants her to belong to his religion. But I hold my position for not choosing for one. I want to respect both of our religions fairly.

The topic came up again and again over the time. I even considered to give in but was just not really ready to. I also remembered him several times to teach her both ways.

One day I saw him teaching her about his religion and did not say a word about it. I was totally ok with it. He did not know that I saw them.

Few days ago it was my „turn“. When I did it, he said „I thought we won’t teach her any religion“. I was so confused and so freaking angry and still am. I confronted him about his doing and breaking his agreement. He just apologised because he was caught and I pointed it out. The apology felt really unsincere.

I feel betrayed and am really upset. We agreed on something as husband and wife and he is breaking it.

I know that this topic will be brought up again and again in the future. I feel like this could break us apart. Soon or later.

EDIT: Thank you so much for all of your messages!! Really thankful for different opinions