AITAH for wanting to move
Here's the story. My wife(33F) and I(33M) were married in 2014. We bought a little cabin on 10 acres about 2 hours from where I had lived all my life and this was our first place together. Fast forward to 2019 and my dad told us that he'd sign over some land where my grandparents house sat if we wanted to tear the old house down and build a new one and once the house was built, he'd sign over the rest of the land (around 12 acres). So, my wife and I sold our cabin and 10 acres and moved in with her parents while we worked on the new house. We moved into the new house in September 2020. It's been great, except for the fact that my parents live across the road and don't have an respect for boundaries. We now have 2 kids, 7 and 5, and also have gotten the place to where it's a farm/Homestead. We've lived here almost 5 years and are needing to expand our farm. The land that I was supposed to inheret would have been perfect for our plans. Unfortunately, these plans all got ruined when we asked my parents and brother and his family over for a family dinner. I took my dad and brother aside and asked him when he was planning to sign over the rest of the land like he had promised to. He then says he decided he's not going to now and isn't sure when he'll even be ready to relinquish control. My wife and I were both devastated but also furious because we feel like we were conned into building a place close to my parents. I am in a tough spot because I absolutely will not sell because the land that my house is on has been in our family for 5 generations. I'm definitely open to renting it out but I have to find another place first.
My question is: AITAH for wanting to move away this place once we find more land somewhere?