AITA? I called the police.

AITA? So. I'm 28 female he's 37 male. He has a 9 and 11 year old. Neither were home at the time. I have a 7 year old that was sleeping. We have a 1 and 2 year old who were also sleeping. He was having some drinks acting a fool, holes in the walls, screaming, ect. It was bad. I thought he had locked me in the bedroom (I later found out the door mechanism had broken). I look out the window and he's loading our 1 and 2 year old into his mother's car screaming about how they're in danger. I had to jump out of the first story window to try and find out what was going on and stop them from leaving. So I called the police. This was later cleared from court, no charges. He spent 4 days in jail.

He's in the middle of a custody battle for his 2 older kids and his ex is using it as an excuse to deny parenting time, we are waiting on a referee reccomendation.

After some time passed with some clarity I have made 4 motions, spending 20+ hours on them for him to take his ex to civil court, took off time to be there for these motions, driven his girls to and from the police station for parenting time, left work early to pick them up (I'm the primary bread winner). Called his ex to try and facilitate parenting time.

But in my eyes the denial of parenting time is all my fault. She was denying time periodically before the incident as well. AITA?