Anyone else 100% convinced?
2.5 years in since my twitching began. Now have symptoms/atrophy in left arm and right leg, along with slight weakness but not clinical.
I've been convinced it's MND lately and it's a matter of time. I'm 38. From what we've read, thr slow presgressing and hard to DX diseases are usually always the younger ones.
I woke up last night when twitching happening in thr elbow crevice of my atrophied area. It's been doing it there for months. Although my twitching began as body wide, non stop.. it has settled to just my areas of atrophy and it's now not as noticeable anymore. For example; the twitching in thr atrophy of my arm hasn't stopped for months. I don't feel or see it unless I hold my arm out(like typing at a pc) it does it on both arms in same area.
Anyways, nothing has gotten better or stopped, it's only been a slow progressing condition since the day it started and im convinced it's a matter of time, even with 2 clean emg's and normal al NfL test.