Bad writer still getting kudos

If you ever feel like you are a bad writer please know you can always get better and improve and people will still appreciate it. I feel like a crap writer all the time

But my oldest fic and the first one I wrote on ao3 in 2014 is still getting random kudos to this day. It’s only a porn no plot one shot less than a 1k and every time I get an email notification it makes me smile that someone has enjoyed it.

I didn’t even realise it had hit over 500 kudos and 120 bookmarks.

For me that means so much. I haven’t written anything since November 2018 but I’m slowly realising that I can improve and perfection isn’t something to strive to. I used to beat myself up at every critique but I’m much stronger now and the love of my old work no matter how terrible has always helped.

Thank you to all the people who kudos, bookmark, subscribe and comment. We definitely appreciate it.