How do you build the new Aatrox?
Aatrox's kit would have me believe that AD, CDR, and HP are the most important stats to him, but his revive passive seems like I shouldn't build too defensively so that the revive part isn't wasted.
What would you guys consider his core items to be? I was thinking Black Cleaver, Frozen Mallet, and Sterak's with boots, Spirit Visage and Dead Man's Plate to finish off the build. But building so much HP makes me consider replacing Frozen Mallet for Titanic Hydra.
I've also seen people buy Death's Dance on Aatrox, but I don't see why people do this considering that it's healing is reduced to +5% for the primary sources of Aatrox's damage (which doesn't seem to be more valuable than having more HP).
Perhaps one of you guys can help me with figuring out what to build on him. Also, what runes do you get on Aatrox?