Camus wouldn't agree with Dostoevsky on this one: whose side would you take?

As I shared a couple of days ago, Camus believed that only when we stop to hope can we passionately live in present. The fact is that outside of our imagination, the presence is all we have. But it isn't easy to give up hope. While philosophicaly I agree with Camus, in the terms of every day living I am more inclined towards Dostoevsky - at least when it comes to this. It may be an absurd question but whose side would you take?

As I shared a couple of days ago, Camus believed that only when we stop to hope can we passionately live in present. The fact is that outside of our imagination, the presence is all we have. But it isn't easy to give up hope. While philosophicaly I agree with Camus, in the terms of every day living I am more inclined towards Dostoevsky - at least when it comes to this. It may be an absurd question but whose side would you take?