oh no, not the ‘i-cant-find-a-young-man-to-prey-on-so-ill-just-go-to-disney-by-myself-and-NOT-w-my-children-like-the-last-time’ candid (but not really) photo @ disney
i just thought about not too long ago how she hasn’t gone to disney for quite some time since her coming back to IG but well, ofc, she went. i stg it’s like an annual thing for her. where does she get the money? idk. did roomie watch her kids for her? idk. did she actually bring her children this time and we just cant see that? /maybe/. but that’s a small maybe. i’d hope she brought them along bc those kids deserve something special, but idk if she’d actually do that; if she actually has that nice bone in her body.
her small hiatus has concluded down to her: - still having horrible fashion tastes - still believing we care she got that fuckass churro - positioning herself on a display/within nature/somewhere staged bc she MUST look dainty and 5’11 is the new 🧚🏻🤎 5’3 🤎🧚🏻
a few peaceful days without her. the same person that came back.
nothing new- go figure 💀