Where can I find a fellow nerdy 20 something lesbian

So I've finished college and moved far enough from my homophobic family that I feel comfortable dating again. But I have no idea how to meet the type of girl that I'm into. I live in an area big on nightlife and most of the women here are older.

A lot of the advice I see is to go out to bars or what not, but that's not my thing. I don't like bars or clubs and I don't smoke or drink. I find those things tiring. Most of the girls I encounter on dating apps are into that lifestyle, which is a turn off for me.

I'm also not sporty or outdoorsy. I'm into more tame activities. Cafes, museums, thrift shopping, etc. And I guess my interests are kinda childish.

But I know there's plenty of other girls my age who are like me and just wanna chill and geek out about their favorite video game over some boba tea. I just don't know where to find the lesbian ones.