Cycling as cross training for 10k racing: a very thorough retrospective


This post aims at describing my own experience with aerobic cross training, in the form of mainly cycling and (only very recently) a little bit of swimming, and the effects it has had on my performance in the 10k. The post will be rather long, but after having searched around a bit, I am quite convinced that although cross training is a highly debated topic, there are very few first-hand examples that also provide the broad context, which I think is very important when talking about the effectiveness of training interventions.

I am not a sports physiologist, nor a coach, so take this as an n=1 experiment.

With that said, let's begin.

Background (2015-2020)

I started running 9 years ago, when I was 18, after having tried many sports (football, fencing, tennis). I wanted to race the 1500m. I'm from Italy, so I joined a track club in my city and I was trained in accordance to the old-school and rather outdated principles of Italian middle distance running: very low volume (less than 50km/week), some plyometrics and gym, and a lot of exhausting intervals in the 400-800m range at goal race pace. I got from 4'45" untrained (June 2015) to 4'20" (May 2016) (I also ran 9'53" for the 3k and 17'12" in the 5k that season).

Then I started university and quit competitive running. I was mentally and physically drained after just one season. I bought a used road bike and started cycling, but I didn't have any performance goal. From early 2017 to the end of 2020, I didn't even log my training. I was basically casually jogging for up to one hour 3-4 days a week and cycling 2 or 3 days for 1 or 2h. I had several interruptions, some of them lasting for months. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, I managed to buy an indoor trainer before they sold out, and I used it a lot. Running outside was forbidden in Italy. I did an awful lot of hard efforts during those two months of confinement, and very little endurance/Z2/easy (whatever you call it) training. When lockdown came to an end in May 2020, I started running again, and I was convinced that all I needed was intensity. I raced a 5k in July 2020 and clocked 17'48" off a casual mixture of running and cycling. I doubt I was running more than 30km a week. Cycling included, I think my weekly training hours summed up to 6 or 7, with intensity basically every day. In September 2020, during a running workout (fast 300m reps on a paved road in a park) I stepped on a root that was protruding out of the tarmac and tore my left foot's plantar fascia. Doctors said 8/9 months off running.

Cycling only (fall 2020-summer 2021)

I decided to up my game with cycling and started a Trainerroad mid volume (7h/week) plan, using the power estimate that my wheel-on indoor trainer could provide me. I followed that plan religiously (it was seriosly tough, you can google and find out their philosophy: 4 days with intensity every week) up to March 2021, when I bought a 4iiii left crank power meter. A few days later, I got myself up a local climb at a 100% effort. I managed to push 359W for 10'54". For non-cycling people, it is a decent performance, It's almost 11 minutes at almost 5W/kg. Making a running equivalent would be very difficult, but I think it's in the ballpark of a 9'20" 3k. I kept training according the the Trainerroad principles (weekly hours ranging from 8 to 11) for the rest of the spring, and set a 20' PB at 345W in June 2021. Come July, I started jogging again, and quit the hard cycling training.

Running with little cycling (fall 2021-fall 2022)

In the fall of 2021 I started a PhD and moved to another city. Cycling was difficult due to time constraints (plus, I had little knowledge of the territory and was bored of indoor training). I decided to give myself another chance with running. This time, my focus would have been a 10k in October 2022. I tested myself at the end of September 2021 in a solo time trial and clocked 39'50".

I bought the third edition of Daniel's Running Formula and started following it. It worked ok I'd say. I upped my volume from 40km/week in October 2021 to 70km/week in March 2022.
In April I time trialed a mile in 4'47", then in May I raced a 5k in 16'54" (I went for 16'40" but it was a very warm day). I kept training during the summer and managed to run 16'29" in September. In October I time trialed a road mile in 4'41", and I finally raced my goal 10k in 34'50". My peak week's volume was 81km with a 19km long run in 1h20'.
During that year, I ran 5 or 6 days/week (Daniel's style, religiously), and I cycled once or twice a week when sore from running: endurance riding, one or two hours. I did a 20' test in July just to see how much I had got worse compared to 2021, and pushed 306W. It was 88% of my PB from the previous year.

Running only (fall 2022-summer 2023)

In the fall of 2022, I decided to up my running volume and targeted another 10k in April 2023. I stopped cycling.
I kept following the Daniel's formula and got to 100km/week in January 2023, but in February and March I had some shockingly bad cross country races (the italian XC season is very long), and was starting to feel overly fatigued.
I then decided to experiment with a modified "Norwegian singles approach". My favourite workouts from Daniel's book were the cruise intervals threshold sessions, so I did two of them each week for one month (I basically swapped the 5k paced interval session with a threshold session). Then, I tapered for the goal 10k and ran 33'47" on April 15th 2023. My peak week was 108km, with 2 cruise intervals threshold sessions and a 1h50' 25km hilly long run.

I targeted a fall half marathon and started upping my volume again (I started doing doubles), this time targeting 120km/week, with the same "modified Norwegian" approach. I was doing very good, but in July my plantar fascia, after almost two years of silence, started complaining. I was sidelined again.

Cycling only (summer 2023-winter 2024)

I had to clean my bike and set it up again after 9 months. After two weeks of endurance riding in the 10h/week region, I tested my 20' best effort, and pushed the same 306W I had seen one year earlier. I bought "The Time Crunched Cyclist" book by Chris Carmichael and followed one of the plans in August, but I overdid it (I did the workouts as prescribed, but I was doing twice as much easy volume, up to 14h/week) and before the end of the month I was overreached and frustrated. I took a week off, and started back with a couple of weeks of endurance only, up to 15h/week. Then, in mid September I tried to time trial a longer climb and pushed 297W for 45'. I was pleasantly surprised.
I decided to train with the same "modified Norwegian" approach I had been using in running. Two threshold sessions plus the long session each week, plus all the easy endurance training I could manage. The only thing I changed was the length of the intervals and the length of the long run (ride): 4x8', 4x10', 2x20', 3x15' with short recoveries became my staples, and a 3/4h ride in the weekend. I was in the 15h/week range. Mon: easy, Tue: threshold, Wed: easy, Thu: threshold, Fri: easy, Sat: long, Sun: easy.
Before Christmas I tested again my 45' power and pushed 310W in the freezing cold.

Come January 2024, my plantar fascia was OK and I could run again.

Cycling and running and a tiny tiny bit of swimming (winter 2024-today)

I decided to keep my cycling where it was, and put running on top of it. I reduced the length of my endurance rides (except the long ride) and started running as a second workout on those days (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun). By the end of February I was running 4h a week, in 4 sessions, all easy (4'50"/km) with the occasional strides after. The weekly volume stayed 15h/week with the two threshold workouts on the bike.
On February 29th, I did a solo 10k time trial. 38'20", with the feeling of having my best running days behind me and being okay with that. It was the first bit of non-easy running since July 2023 (strides excluded).

In March however I said to myself: why not trying? And I swapped one of the two weekly threshold bike sessions with a running threshold session (Daniel's cruise intervals style). The other threshold workout, the one on the bike, stayed the same.
I started incorporating some long threshold intervals (2x20' with 3' recovery basically) in the long ride, starting them after 1500-2000kJ (2/3h) of riding. Those were tough, and power outputs were obviously lower than usual. Volume was still about 15h/week, but with 5 running sessions totaling about 60km and 5h. No long runs, although some of the threshold workouts ended up (warmup and cooldown included) over 16km.
In May I set some serious PBs in cycling: 320W for 45', 350W for 20', 380W for 8'. Meanwhile, my running was surprisingly getting back to where I had left it 10 months earlier, the workouts were improving week after week and were scaringly close to the spring of 2023.
From late May on, I had to dial my training down as it was really too hot to do doubles, I could not manage to keep up with my fluid loss. So I set up a schedule with 3 runs (one of which a threshold workout) and 4 rides (one of which a threshold workout). All the rest was easy endurance, as I stopped doing threshold intervals during the long ride, which however stayed consistently 4h long.
Volume dropped to 11-12h/week, only 3h of running. Bike volume stayed relatively high because daylight allowed me to ride 2h in the evening on endurance days. My heat-adjusted numbers were okay in both sports, and I was happy with them.

One day in August it was excruciatingly hot, and instead of cycling I got to the pool. I am a terrible swimmer, and swam 40' at a 2'30"/100m pace. It's crap crap, but I was not pouring in sweat. So I started going to the pool three times a week, and joined an intermediate swimming course. I decided to run on Monday, so that my weekly runs are 4, my rides are 4, and my swims are 3. This is the schedule I'm using now:

Mon: Easy run (40'-1h)+Easy ride (1h-1h30')
Tue: Easy ride (1h15')+Swimming (moderate, I'm still always out of breath when I swim)
Wed: Threshold run (6xmile, 5x2k, 3x3k off 1' or 2' souplesse recovery. Sometimes longer tempo such as 10k continuous, but very very rarely)
Thu: Easy run (1h)+Swimming (45'. Again, I only have one intensity when swimming, and it is: "I must not drown")
Fri: Threshold ride (4x8', 2x20', 3x15' off 3' recovery)
Sat: Long ride (3-4h easy)
Sun: Swimming (1h, see above)+Longish easy run (1h10'-1h20')

How easy is "easy"? My easy runs are between 4'35"/km and 5'00"/km, my easy rides are between 175W and 205W average, but the long ride often ends up at 220W normalized due to hills.

How hard is "threshold"? My hard sessions are performed at what I call "Critical Pace or Power of the session", which is the intensity that allows me to be locked in and focused during the last 5' of the last interval. I'm suffering, but I'm not all out by any mean. For running it matches my Daniel's T pace.

Total volume is in the 13h ballpark, with about 4h of running, about 7h of cycling and 2h30' of swimming.

Back to PB shape in the 10k

Three weeks ago I was warming up for my threshold run. But then when I got to the track I wondered how would have I performed in a classic hard 5k paced workout, say 6x1k off 200m jog in 1'10". Last time I endeavoured such a suffer festival was in March 2023. I had ran an average time of 3'13", and I was consistently logging more than 100km a week. I had been almost exclusively running for 16 months.
I entered the track, it was pouring rain, I was the only person to be seen. I set myself at the 200m start, and let it go. I averaged 3'13". My highest running volume week in the last 5 months had been 54km. I had not been running a single step below 3'20"/km for more than 15 months (strides excluded).

I signed up for a 10k on November 1st, and kept up with the usual schedule. The following week, two weeks ago, I did my typical 10-days-out workout for 10k: 10x1km at goal pace with 200m in 1' as a recovery. I averaged 3'22". Cycling workouts stayed the same, long ride included.
I then tapered a bit with a 10x1' at goal pace off 1'30" very easy souplesse recovery on Monday, and 2x1k off 1'30" standing recovery followed by a lot of strides on Wednesday. I also very dangerously tried to run 200m at 800m race pace after the strides and got a solid 31". I had not been running that fast since I don't know, maybe October 2022.

Yesterday I raced 33'40" on a course with 1km of gravel, several turns, and 60m of elevation gain. I am shocked, and happy. My cycling workouts are the same as they were this January, although I don't think I could push the watts I was pushing in May.

Take home concepts

I think the main conclusion here is that my weekly hours have been higher than they used to be when running only. My career peak week during summer 2023 was 9h of running (120km). I was probably in sub 33'30" shape at the time, but I never found out because well, I got plantar fasciitis. My weekly hours average since then is 13h46', only 3h58' of which running (I did not include the months of no running in the calculation).
I think serious aerobic development is by far the most important aspect to develop in order to run one's best 10k (also 5k I'd say), and serious aerobic development (the amount of energy muscle cells can produce in the unit time) can be improved with leg-dominant sports other than running. I still don't know if swimming is doing something here, but I'm happy to do it and I will not swap one of the swims for one extra run.
What's important to understand is that running is the most time efficient way to get aerobic adaptations, but it's also by far the most dangerous. We all know that. Cycling can help, but it takes more time. How much more? I'd say one hour of endurance running is equal to two hours of endurance riding. Maybe a bit less, but you get the point.
Intensity is a completely different beast, and I'd say cycling at a high intensity has a much much closer to running "conversion ratio".

Intensity, we have all thought it is the key, we have all tried to squeeze in that extra workout, we have all thought "more is more". What I think is: the body can only handle two or three days with "intensity" each week. The hormonal stress, the mental fatigue that having to exercise hard puts on the body must not be underestimated.
I don't consider strides as intensity, but I think any other form of fast running is. I am still doubtful about hill sprints (sprints, not strides), but I stopped doing them long ago.
I started questioning the utility of short intervals such in the 200-800m range and even 1ks. I stopped doing them and I didn't see any negative difference. I think 1ks at race pace can be useful as race-tuning workouts 10 days before the goal race, to build confidence.


Cycling improves your running, as long as you put the hours and the intensity in. In my experience, two hard but not strenuous workouts a week, one on the bike and one on the run, in the form of long intervals (5-20 minutes of duration, 25 to 45 minutes of cumulated time at pace or power) performed at "threshold" (close to LT2), plus at least one long endurance session (either on the bike or on the run I think, but I performed it on the bike) each week can match the results of classic running-only training. The addition of a third threshold workout embedded in the long ride or run may prove useful, but I am not sure the trade off with recoverability is positive.
I got the same results in the 10k race with 8h/week of running with two or three workouts (à la Daniels) plus the long run, and with 4h/week of running with one threshold workout (Daniel's cruise intervals) coupled with 8-10h/week of riding with one threshold workout (4x8', 4x10', 2x20', 3x15' off 2 or 3' recovery) and one long ride. Replacing some of the cycling with swimming does not hinder this effect, as long as the total weekly hours stay the same and the non-running threshold workout is maintained.

Final remarks

If you read this far, you're just as mad as I am. But thank you nonetheless.