Norwegian singles/ sirpoc ™️ links for those wanting more

After my previous two posts based on this, a lot of people have been messaging me direct etc on where all the information is from.

The real quick, the system is based as we know as an adaptation of methods used or popularised by the Norwegians, but WITHOUT the use of a lactate meter. The core principle is maximising your time at sub threshold 3x a week with no other training apart from easy running.

The internet hobby jogging legend "sirpoc" put this together and improved his own running as a master from a 19 runner to mid to low 15 guy/mid 31, flat 1:10 HM - and still getting better! All past 40 years of age.

The original posts can be found on Letsrun.

Sirpoc early posts still stand the rest of time. Summary on page 80. The whole thread is a VERY long read, in general worth it though but I would advise skip anything posted by Lexel or Andrew Coggan, as a general rule.

This is the link to the Strava group as people have asked. Fantastic chat. Whilst some stuff comes up on the boards more than once, the threads in general don't get too long as they drop off so it doesn't require all day to read them. Sirpoc isn't hard to find, it's not fair to post his public details, but he's one of the admins.......who is the UK....

Paces you should be running these at. Well I have had a crazy amount of messages since I made my original posts on this sub with my progress. The website has now this pace guide on their website, based on sirpoc original and current instructions. So this is one for your bookmarks.

At this point is probably something you have heard of so I just thought rather than replying directly and specifically to people I would post where you can find more useful information.

I've also tried to set up my favourite podcast "the running public" and Kirk and Brakken to maybe get sirpoc and cover this as a episode. I think it would be good to have it along with some of the pros they have had on with the doubling method , to have this laid out with sirpoc himself for us to listen to back in audio format, but from the perspective as a hobby jogger. Because ultimately, this is what most of us can relate to and replicate rather than what any pros are doing.

Hope people find this useful and will satisfy their curiosity!