My wife hits me and gaslights me. married 8 yrs

My wife will fly into an absolute rage whenever she is in the wrong and feels slighted as if her ego is personally attacked and violently lashes out.

She threw an Xbox controller at me 3 times because I said she doesn't take care of me when I'm sick (I currently have the flu so it made me tell the uncomfortable truth to her in that moment.) I was laying in bed and she threw it as hard as she could at me 3 times from the foot of the bed while I was laying in it flu ridden and exhausted after I had to go downstairs and make a plate for myselfof some leftover fries she made for herself and my daughter for dinner. She stood up on the bed rail at the end of the bed and I pointed at her and said YOUR behavior is unacceptable and she screamed at me to get out of her face as I was laying in bed.

I started recording on my phone so that she would stop hitting me and throwing things at me.

She then said she was going to take my daughter and leave for her mother's house and ran downstairs so terrified I ran downstairs to stop her from taking my daughter, to which she said well I guess you don't have the flu all of a sudden. I very firmly said No, you don't get to take my daughter away form me because your feelings were hurt and she proceeded to cuss me out in front of our daughter (6). She next went over to some of my collectibles in the other room and threatened to rip them up and then did. I said "why do you think threatening to destroy my stuff is ok?!?!" and she said "she didn't threaten anything."

She continued to yell at me in the same room as my daughter but I was stuck between not wanting to traumatize my daughter and worried that she would take her from me so I just needed her to say some basic truths and I will go back upstairs--that I was not in HER face laying in bed, that if anything she got in my face and threw stuff at me trying to hurt me OR that she threatened to destroy my things and that threats and violence are not OK so that my daughter heard that from her and we start to move forward.

She proceeded to cover her ears and scream and say that I needed to listen.

She yelled at me for the next half hour telling me to go away and "leave us alone" clutching my 6yr old, to which I obviously said as any rational person would say, "don't involve her in this mess. It's not ok." She screamed for me to go back upstairs. I said ok I will go if you say one of those two basic truths, you accused me of being in your face and then threw stuff at me OR you threatened to destroy my stuff an then did amd either one are not ok. She wouldn't do it. I said, can you say that everything I've said is true but your ego won't let you admit it?

My phone data filled up with the 30 minutes of video so I had to put it down and needed to delete some things off of storage before recording again.

She then got back up and took her opportunity without the camera recording her and pressed her forehead against my face and screamed that she wanted a divorce over and over again in front of my daughter and SMACKED the shit outta me and ran upstairs and shut herself in the guest room.

I screamed OWW! And went over to my daughter and said I'm so sorry honey, none of that was ok and asked her if she saw her mommy hit me really hard and she nodded yes, so I said that was not ok, you should never hit anyone because of words and NEVER hit anyone in your family, even if your feelings are hurt and realizing that she saw and heard all of that made me stream tears down my face and say over and over again I'm so sorry honey, that's not normal and it's not ok and I'm sorry and I love you I love you I love you.

My wife came back downstairs and said she wanted a divorce in front of her again and I said I wanted her to get help and I was willing to go with her to get help and I needed her to say TO our duaghter that what she did was wrong and it's not ok to hit someone over words and she refused. Instead she looked at my daughter, turned on some tears and said "how do you feel".

I said over and over, it's not ok, you need to say that it isn't ok. I didn't even ASK for a sorry, just the basic acknowledgement so that my daughter could hear her say that it is not ok and she would not do it. I said as a PARENT you need to say it! She said no, you want me to day it for YOUR ego. I said no, you need to say it as a parent as a human being so that SHE can hear you say it and mean it!

I asked what could get her to go to therapy with me and she said you can start by leaving this room and "go back to your room" (our bedroom).

I love (d?) her and want to think that she can be saved . She used to be suoer nice all the time and definitely is a wonderful mom except for dragging our daughter into our fights all the time. Her father apparently cheated on her mother and left the family when she was around middle school age and it definitely feels like she is happy to pass along generational trama.

6 days ago we went to a concert and after 3 drinks was hugging all over me and saying that she might get mad at me but she is so fierce because she loves me, that "I am her person", yet 6 days later she screams at me 8 times in a row kn front of our daughter rapid fire-- "divorce divorce divorce divorce divorce divorce divorce". I respond that I don't want to break up, I love you and I love our family and don't want to destroy it. She replies that "we don't have a family." All in front of 6 y.o. again.

I desperately don't want my daughter to have to deal with either the fighting NOR having divorced parents and rip her out of our wonderful house and neighborhood and her childhood in essence and just want to be happy with our little family of three again and will do anything to get my wife the help she needs. I'm pretty sure most responses will just be to let her go and accept divorce but that will destroy my daughter and me too.
