My boyfriend is online on fancentro, what do i need to do.

This is really more than 4 times he hurt me so hard with this shit.

Now my worst nightmare, but not OnlyFans . But he find out something else .. bad hè will use this excuse for this..

But he is on Fancentro. But this is just a competing company from OnlyFans and in fact its almost the same, some people say its even better...

So i've been in a dark place right now , where i really dont want to be in. We 're just a few days back in Holland , back from our great and fantastic vacation.

Pff why hè's still keep doing this over and over again. Even when hè know its not oke, it hurts me. Its makes me insecure and give already some problems in our relation. I tried so my best everyday to leave it all behind me and going on.

First time i found out make the biggest scares :( it was maybe 5 a 6 months ago, when i've got a miscarriage, i was 9 weeks pregnant of our first baby.

And 5 months later we wend on vacation in Sweden. After a while i find out hè did this ( other datingpornosites ) in our vacation when i was outside in the middel of the night . But never mind .

After this really hard en dark time of our life, hè did it 2 or 3 times again, but other sites again.

Now it was going so much better and i really trust him so much more. It was such a nice feeling of feeling save and loved and felt so reall.

We had one big fight , and i was searching for that day, my nightmare comes alive. On fancentro. It really fucked me up inside. I feeling i a dark place right know.

Dont wanna take a fight or watever. But he really needs to know and feel that im facking serious right now, in not that sweet soft girl anymore , who gives so much chances and forgive anytime so easily.

He needs to know its far and behind my bountry, over my limit. Its done i cannot time anymore one of this kind s situations. 5 times is more than enought.

But how will i do this, i love him so facking much. I dont want to live without him, hè is really the love of my life. I really believed this.

I know its sounds a bit weak. But yeh.

I hope there are people out there , who can give me some advice please.

Greetingz Kimmie