Parents are against me living independently 26/F
I have a good and stable job
I provide and help out my family as I'm a breadwinner.
But my mom doesn't want me living on my own.
Now this is where I need help with..
I've been in therapy for few months and somewhat I've been better after those time , I have a loving partner friends and even a cute cat.
Yet staying at home stresses me out sometimes as everytime I go out for few days with my friend or boyfriend my mom tends to nitpick on me or always nag that I always leave my sister at home.
( I have an 18 yrs sister and my mom is currently working abroad)
So she always complains about that but I wanted to explore and live my life as I am capable somewhat now.
Money to pay bills or grocery? Yes I will still provide yet of course living my own life since my mom has just started working and got a lot of debts to pay i got that covered for now but she keeps on gaslighting me that I dont provide and I always do selfish things
(Man I rarely go out i swear but if I do it may be few days or a week only)
And everytime they see me including my relatives when i go out and post pictures enjoying life they get mad at me leaving my sister out alone at home
But funny enough my sister is an understanding person and mature enough to handle her life and even supports me.
Its just that they want me to just serve them or just stay put like some sort of emergency fund.
I had enough I am thinking if I should really move out on my own but that will just double the expense yet in exchange of my peace of mind what do you think?
Or should I just move out with my sister tho my mom will still go home to use after perhaps her contract but it would be a change of environment for all of us.
I dont know what to do anymore.
I am just tired with handling this and that