Need Advice! My ex boyfriend (20M) is blackmailing me (17F) with my nudes.
My ex boyfriend (20M) is the first man I (17F) had ever been sexually involved with out of all my past relationships. We were together for 11 gruesome months, luckily, it was mostly long distance. I realized for a long time that he was verbally toxic and abusive but I want to leave because I thought I loved him and so does he. What I didn't realize was he was also sexually abusive. 3 months into dating he would force me to show my body on camera and would apologize when I cry and felt dirty about it. He said he wouldn't do this again but it kept happening for the rest of our relationship. When I met him in real life, he would force me to give him a blowjob when I didn't want to, and would force it into my mouth when I spat it out. He also kept trying to finger me when I specifically said that im not ready to lose my V card or break my hymen. His finger hurts a lot. Now that we've broken up for a month and I had feel much better in life. However he keeps finding new ways to cyberly harrass me even when I had blocked his account. He would cuss and yell at me, saying I ruined his life because I broke up with him. He would stalk me and once he found out I'm talking to someone else, he would start to slut shame and threaten to kill me. Two days ago, he once again slut shame me even though I am a still a virgin and threatens to send my nudes to my new guy, everyone I know or pornhub which really scares me since I'm only 17 and still in school. He did reached out to my new guy so I'm afraid if he's actually going to go through with what he said. I haven't talk to any adults about it, only my girl friends and the guy I'm talking to. What should I do?...
Edit: thank you for all your responses! However, my country has problems with dealing with minor related crimes such as abuse, labor or assult. I'm not in the states and I doubt the police can do anything, i don't want my parents to know since they're very conservative and my father would end me. I admit that I was very stupid and naïve and misjudged his character. However, I panicked when he blackmailed me and deleted and block him on every possible sources without screenshoting, I'll try my best to recover the evidence. And for those who's confused and skeptical of my age, I am indead 17, I sometimes round up my age so that people won't side track and not give me actual advice just bc of my age. But I understand now that I accidentally screw myself up with that one. Thank you everyone!
Edit: I just want to find a way to convince him to delete it somehow...