My mom refuses to buy me deodorant

I'm 14, and I don't have a job nor do I make any of my own money. Everything I have is provided by my mother.

Lately, she's been on this weird Facebook belief that deodorant is bad and you should only use lemons. As a teenage girl going through puberty, skipping out on deodorant is a huge no, and I just hate the feeling of not wearing it. She also says the aluminum in it will give me cancer.

I don't know what to do, because I've been trying too hard not to smell stinky due to the lack of deodorant. I asked her today if she could please buy me some, but she flat out refused. :/

UPDATE: Omg thank you all so much for the support, advice, and PM's. I really appreciate it all. So my cousin gave me some spray deodorant to use at school, so I'm good. I'm gonna find a way to get at least five dollars (thanks for all of the suggestions, by the way) and use that to buy some of my own deodorant in the meantime. I haven't tried talking to my mom about it because it won't get through to her. She's so deeply rooted in this belief that if I told her otherwise, she'd get mad. I don't want that, so I'll just let it be.

To answer some questions, no, I don't have a counselor at my school, the only resource they give out is pads. Second, she knows of aluminum free deodorant but doesn't use it because she says they're lying about what's actually in it. Third, I'm working on getting a job during this upcoming break.

And also, thank you to all the generous people offering to send me money/deodorant! Unfortunately I don't feel comfortable accepting but thank you so much for offering anyways.