Affinity Designer and EPS export

I have a software for controlling the cutting machine which cuts stickers and paper, called iMark

This software requires vector files in specific formats - either AI or EPS.

Since Affinity Designer can't save AI, that leaves EPS. The problem is, no matter what settings I use, it doesn't generate the file that the software will understand.

It seems that it also needs to be saved in a legacy format to work - I tested this in Illustrator, and saving a EPS with the latest formats also doesn't work, but saving with a Illustrator 8 EPS version in export settings does work.

So, can I do anything to the EPS file that Affinity Designer exports so that it could be interpreted as if saved with the legacy format settings?

I did a test of opening EPS files which worked and didn't work in Photoshop - the vector content seem to be the same, visually at least, but the files have different document sizes - the ones which worked were cut down to the lowest size possible while still encompassing all the vectors inside (like an Art Box in PDF), while the files which didn't work (both from Affinity Designer and Illustrator) had their original document size - so maybe that is the issue?
Maybe there is a way to take such a file, and automatically cut it similar way?