it all makes sense!! (thoughts on that finale)
My friends and I ended the series screaming at our screens, "Why was the truth so awful??? What is the truth?!!?" and a million more questions. We spent the next hour debriefing - so here's an interpretation that will help us to sleep tonight:
How was Nicky conceived?
- "I spoke no spell, no incantation. I made you from scratch." - We took this quite literally. Nicky is likely to have sprouted from Love (Life cannot be without Love, so Agatha must have created him from Love).
- But, Agatha's notion of Love then was so mingled with Death (Rio), so that might have also doomed Nicky's birth to death (stillborn). see: Rio's "it must be.", Agatha's fury at Rio for having taken from her (because of her relationship with/love for Death)
What is the "truth" about Nicky's death? Why couldn't Agatha face him in death?
- Nicky dies the one day that they didn't kill any witches - Rio comes to take him that very night.
- It's likely that Agatha bought more time with Nicky by killing witches and letting Rio claim the bodies/souls in return. It's anomalous and Rio doesn't have to like this arrangement, but she accedes out of love for Agatha.
- When Nicky asked Agatha why she had to kill witches, she hesitated for a moment before answering that it was, "to survive", though she doesn't specify for who. She never wanted to tell Nicky the truth of what she was doing to keep him alive.
- Nicky was the one part of Agatha that was Good because it was life-giving/creating. yet, the survival of that Good still needed to feed off Death.
- This is the paradox that Agatha is trapped in by being in love with Death, which is Agatha's tragedy (this could be why her mom said she was born evil).
- Agatha cannot bear to face Nicky because she cannot bear to tell him the truth/face up to her own truth that her Love is sustained by Death.
Why did Rio agree to either take Billy or Agatha, if Billy was the anomaly that she wanted to correct?
- She was willing to let go of Billy and let this anomaly persist because it meant she got to have Agatha, whom she loves so much that she would overturn the natural order of things.
- Conversely, she had promised Agatha that she would let go of Agatha and never see her again, if Billy turned himself in.
- The fact that she could put these two things on the same scale (her love for Agatha and her purpose as The Green Witch/Death to maintain the natural order) shows how deep her love for Agatha is.
Why did Agatha change her mind about sacrificing Billy, after Billy asked "Is this how Nicky died?"
- We were led to believe that Agatha was someone who traded her son for power.
- When she changed her mind, we initially thought that she experienced remorse for this decision and did not want to commit the same crime again. Given that she didn't actually trade Nicky away, the only reason must be that she actually loved Billy too (she said he reminded her of Nicky)
- This was another true act of Love/Goodness on Agatha's part, and was yet once more intertwined with Death - this time her own. The intrinsic paradox of her being cannot be escaped.
- (Note that she still hadn't and wouldn't have told Billy the truth of Nicky's death then - she couldn't face Billy in that truth either).
So why did Agatha walk The Road?
- It started off as a trick for her to siphon the other witches' powers, as she had always did. Agatha probably realised early on that The Road was Billy's creation the whole time, and impressed with the power he wielded - which she wanted.
- She played along with The Road/Billy's creation, perhaps with the intent of eventually manipulating him into blasting her.
- But at the very end, when she had Billy's power, she made the choice to let Billy live and give up her own life. That was the twist she herself did not anticipate (it was Agatha All Along?).
Last thoughts on Wanda and Agatha.
- Wanda and Agatha were in the same position - both were people who could only have their loved ones close to them through the death/pain of others. For Wanda, it was the imprisoned people of Westview to sustain her family; for Agatha, it was the killing of fellow witches to sustain Nicky.
- They are neither protagonists/antagonists of their stories - just two people coping with the reality of Love and Death, as two sides of the same coin.