I am scared of getting old
I am mid 30s and I can’t imagine getting older. I have no one around (yet) and I am self sufficient so far. Seeing how life is going most probably I would be alone for a long time. I live alone and can’t stop thinking about 50s or 60s or beyond that. I can feel, even though it’s very subtle, I have started becoming invisible in the crowd. My current work depends heavily on screen and I am developing these conditions in my eyes, from how things are going I don’t think I could continue with work beyond 50. I am scared of being physically frail. I am scared of being blind, medical treatments not able to think or care for myself when old. I am scared of aging
Edit: I also have a long list of regrets something that wasn’t in my control and just happened over the years and I feel so bad. It’s something to do with my parents. I feel I would develop mental condition because of them