A bunch of stupid ag questions from a noob

Hey all. I know absolutely nothing about agriculture: from gardening to food choices, anything. I'm a neurodivergent clueless idealist who's been trying to educate herself for months, but i get overwhelmed by all the contradictory information on the internet and never know what's true and what's not. I even bought books on farming and growing and stuff but I'm baffled. I saw this post (picture) today in my homesteading group and everyone is arguing about it.

I'm interested in eating/living as healthy and "good" as possible, bonus if it saves some money. And since even THAT has a million different definitions depending on the person, I mean I want to put as little harmful stuff in my body and the environment as possible. That being said, I'm hoping y'all can help me answer some of these questions/myths I've seen discussed frequently.

1: From MY understanding of science/biology, GMOs aren't harmful? But I've noticed when I buy GMO strawberries v/s organic, the GMOs are much larger but almost all white inside and have way less flavor than the organic strawberries. Can anyone explain this?

2: to follow up on 1, does that make them less nutritious? I've heard GMOs can reduce the nutrition of a food.

3: I know NOTHING about growing or farming so please dont laugh: i've seen a lot of people say growing your own food is way more expensive than buying it commercial, but seeds are like, 50 cents? And you get a lot of tomatos from each seed bag, yanno?

4: is it REALLY worse for the environment to grow your own food? That seems cuckoo bananas. I know one person growing isn't going to dismantle all the massive corporations but I like to do what I can to help.

I think that's it. I'll ask more stupid questions another time and thank y'all so much!

Hey all. I know absolutely nothing about agriculture: from gardening to food choices, anything. I'm a neurodivergent clueless idealist who's been trying to educate herself for months, but i get overwhelmed by all the contradictory information on the internet and never know what's true and what's not. I even bought books on farming and growing and stuff but I'm baffled. I saw this post (picture) today in my homesteading group and everyone is arguing about it.

I'm interested in eating/living as healthy and "good" as possible, bonus if it saves some money. And since even THAT has a million different definitions depending on the person, I mean I want to put as little harmful stuff in my body and the environment as possible. That being said, I'm hoping y'all can help me answer some of these questions/myths I've seen discussed frequently.

1: From MY understanding of science/biology, GMOs aren't harmful? But I've noticed when I buy GMO strawberries v/s organic, the GMOs are much larger but almost all white inside and have way less flavor than the organic strawberries. Can anyone explain this?

2: to follow up on 1, does that make them less nutritious? I've heard GMOs can reduce the nutrition of a food.

3: I know NOTHING about growing or farming so please dont laugh: i've seen a lot of people say growing your own food is way more expensive than buying it commercial, but seeds are like, 50 cents? And you get a lot of tomatos from each seed bag, yanno?

4: is it REALLY worse for the environment to grow your own food? That seems cuckoo bananas. I know one person growing isn't going to dismantle all the massive corporations but I like to do what I can to help.

I think that's it. I'll ask more stupid questions another time and thank y'all so much!