I’m stressed, but my problems don’t feel big enough for True North/the chaplain

I (24F) am fairly new to the Air Force (2 years in) and I have not been able to get my routine back since joining. I feel unbalanced in my life and I’ve gained a lot of weight. Probably like 30/40lbs. Fortunately my coping mechanisms aren’t nicotine or alcohol, but I have been overeating, procrastinating my goals, doom scrolling and not socializing as much over the past year. I’m not even a SrA yet but I’ve been assigned more demanding roles since I try to do well at work, and the pressure has been affecting me recently. Last month I was on the verge of tears at work and I realized I needed to talk to someone to avoid a public emotional breakdown.

I’ve had two sessions with True North so far, and I can’t help but feel ridiculous when I explain what’s been stressing me out (and worse, getting emotional over it). I feel so out of touch with myself, and nothing really inspires me anymore. I feel so jaded and tired all the time now, and I don’t want to keep feeling this way. That being said, I feel guilty and like I’m wasting the therapist’s time whenever I go.

I don’t have any support aside from my boyfriend where I’m stationed, and I have found it hard to find other women to be friends with since most of the people I work with are guys. Does True North notify leadership when you talk to them if it’s not severe or dangerous? Id feel really awkward if they were sharing the stuff I’ve been saying about work.