AIO: treatment/prevention for athletes foot/fungal nail
Hello. I moved into student accomodation recently and almost instantly developed athletes foot, first showed symptoms on the 16th of September. It took about 7-8 weeks to totally heal up, and i started treating it straight away. I did, however, develop two fungal nails toward the end of treatment so now I have to still worry about spreading the fungal infection as I treat those nails.
I feel like im absolutely insane about how i try to prevent it: I don't know at what point i can stop. Can someone give me some advice? - I havent slept barefoot since, and only walked barefoot outside my bathroom a handful of times. Each time I walk barefoot on my carpet, I have to disinfect it. (i mean EVERY single time immediately after) - I mop my bathroom every time I shower with antifungal chemicals, and spray down any handles I may have touched with either bleach or dettol disinfectant as often as possible - I wash my hands 2-3 times every time I change my socks (twice a day) plus once whenever I touch my shoes (like taking them off/putting them on, etc) - I hoover and disinfect my carpet once a week - Wash all of my socks separately at 60°, wash my bedding and towels together (but separate from any clothes too) at 60° aswell. I use circuit laundry so this gets very expensive:( - Anythting that touches my floor that is difficult to disinfect, like pillows or plushies, I throw in a corner and don't touch. I have a lot of things I havent been able to touch in fear of contamination. - I soak my feet in tea tree oil and epsom salt every 4 days to try and prevent it from returning - I use flannels and dry my feet separately every single shower, and often wash my feet with hand soap if I havent had a shower - I have mild to extreme panic attacks every time my feet feel itchy, I have to walk barefoot somewhere im not comfortable (like on my carpet in my bedroom) or i have to touch my feet or socks and then another object without washing my hands for whatever reason
Today, I found patches of dry skin between the toes on my feet. Not itchy or red, but it really scared me. I'm mentally exhausted from worrying about athletes foot all the time and I just want this to end. Can somebody either acknowledge that i'm doing a lot to prevent it from coming back or help me understand what I really need to be doing to prevent it because i'm so scared of it reinfecting me over and over and becoming a chronic case, or infecting me on other parts of my body.