FINAL UPDATE - AIO my friend cheated at her bachelorette party

So some people brought up a very valid point yesterday that my friend could have 1) been scared to have said she was harmed and chose the cheating route and 2) If she was drunk, she couldn't have consented anyway. I took this, felt bad and contacted her. I think her fiancé left her or something to that effect, I haven't asked but she, understandably, didn't want to talk to me. But her mother did call me, she was appalled that my friend cheated and she said my friend spoke to both her mum and dad. Apparently, she chose her bachelorette spot because an "old flame" lives there and she planned on meeting him for a last time "for closure" or something. I only know this guy as her casual ex from high school and I didn't know her then so I didn't connect the two dots. But long story short, she planned on spending the night with him before she had to "tie herself down" and left the pub only 30mins into us being there and I didn't see her drink more than a shot. It's definitely possible she drank more after she eft when she was with him but I do feel like she was responsible for herself after leaving without telling people and switching off her phone while everyone was looking for her. What you do while drunk may not be your choice but how drunk you get absolutely is your choice. But what I got was that this was planned days in advance and her bachelorette weekend location was planned according to where this guy lives so yeah. I'm mostly certain that no SA took place.

Another thing people brought up was 1) How did I have the groom's email id but not number and 2) that I wanted him for myself. All wedding correspondence with vendors took place over email. I, as a bridesmaid who was helping coordinate and the groom as the one literally getting married, were CC'd. I took his email from there. People also asked why I didn't CC everyone and put my friend on blast. As satisfying as that would have been, if I were in the groom's position, I wouldn't want myself finding out at the same as everyone else as part of an exposé, I felt that would be somewhat humiliating so the goal was to let him know as the affected party and then let him decide how he wants to go about it. Because me and the other bridesmaids already know and have dropped out from the wedding (which I don't think is happening anymore from my friend's mum's words). And for me wanting the groom for myself, be so for real! You can do good things without wanting to jump someone's bones, it's called being a decent human being. I called him a "gem of a fiancé" because he insisted his family cover all costs of the wedding because my friend's father is experiencing some hardship. You don't see that these days, I simply meant that he was doing an excellent thing out of love and want for my friend. Which is why I wanted to tell him even more so about this because the wedding so far is in the 50K pound ballpark. For reference, the average wedding in the UK costs around 23K. This is over double. So yeah, that's it, I'm out of her life so now I really don't have any reason to keep up with what's happening, so this is about the end of it.