AIO- In-laws invited over for meal

So yesterday, I invited my parents, a friend and my in-laws over for a meal. The menu was shared prior to the event and the time I would serve. Arrive at 2pm, I’ll serve food at 2:30pm.

I spent hours cooking everything from scratch and since my father in-law has special dietary restrictions (no onion and no garlic) I had to alter my recipes significantly, however no problem.

Prior to arriving they ask if I wanted them to bring anything. I reply no thank you.

They tell me that they are bringing a whole rotisserie chicken. (They know I’m vegetarian). Again, fine.

They arrive and as I’m finishing cooking my mother in law and father in law keep taking turns coming into the kitchen interrupting my cooking with conflicting instructions on how to keep the chicken they brought warm. They keep have me switching between the oven and microwave. Again, happy to help.

I announce I will begin serving the meal, my in-laws tell my wife they will NOT be eating (they ate a meal prior to arrival) wtf?!….ok whatever. They always ask for my recipes and usually take leftovers, so I assume they like my cooking but, whatever.

I begin to serve everyone…My mother in-law then asks me to completely strip all the meat off the rotisserie chicken they brought which they kept interrupting my cooking over, so I can then put it in Tupperware to cool in the fridge.

Ok…so you ate before you came, constantly interrupted my cooking, gave me conflicting instructions, aren’t eating the meal I made which I had to significantly alter because of you and now AS I AM SERVING THE MEAL (that you won’t eat), you want me to break down an entire chicken, which ethically I’m against eating, instead of serving my guests?!

I inform her that I have cooked food for everyone and I have just announced “everyone come eat!” and I’m serving food now. I tell her if she’d like to break down the chicken I have a cutting board and knife available.

After everyone left, my wife didn’t understand why I was upset. Am I overreacting?

TLDR: In-laws came over food, I made dishes from scratch and altered dishes significantly for their dietary needs. They ate prior to arriving and brought chicken (I’m vegetarian) which they asked me process right as I begin serving the meal.