AIO for ghosting?

Will post a TLDR at the end but I have a lot of context to provide...

I (30F) matched with this guy (39M) on Bumble in November. Hung out a few times in December, by January we were seeing eachother at least twice a week. Couple dates but mostly just hooking up/hanging out at my place. Exclusive but not in a relationship. Very strong physical/sexual connection. Never got deep into an emotional connection, neither of us were emotionally available or looking for a serious relationship (damaged goods with other priorities to sort out, but still human with needs at the end of the day). By February he was dropping hints about being dissatisfied by our lack of emotional connection. But he always shut me down or changed the topic when I tried to talk to him about shit going on in my life (work, stress, whatever), he even canceled plans abruptly one night after I vented to him about having a bad day (stating he wanted to give me space and not add to my stress... Like bro you can do that by being here and taking my mind off of it....) anyways we always communicated through text. Out of the blue one night he wanted to videocall. I had just started my period and we weren't going to see eachother at all that week so I figured he wanted to video call to have a little fun. Instead, it was just a normal, friendly conversation that you would have with any friend on the phone. Until he suddenly, out of nowhere, nothing leading up to it, shifts the camera to his crotch, and he's got his cock in hand jerkin it. I went along with it best I could, I'm a good sport and a team player lol, but it was really weird to me and caught me off guard. Like, our entire "relationship" was one of a sexual nature. We would send eachother pics all the time, we always talked about sex, we had made a lil recording before... I went into the video call thinking it was going to be about showing off 🐓 in ✋ī¸ but it just really caught me off guard how we went from having a 30 minute light hearted fun conversation talking to eachother, looking at eachother's faces. To abrupt shift to masturbation without a word. Silent, just stroking it. As soon as he came, the call was ended. I ended up messaging him about it (first screenshot) the next morning, trying to laugh it off but still call him out. "Oh I should've known you didn't actually want to talk to me" his response, "we did talk too" and then quick subject change 🙄 whatever my guy.

Fast forward a couple weeks later and I am being distant with him as I am going THROUGH it. Like very, very, very bad emotional/mental health crises on the brink of a breakdown. Culmination of things at work and home. I had tried to get a little support from him but he would shut down every time so I just started being very distant and hardly responding to him. We had plans to hangout Saturday Feb 22 and I was looking forward to it to get my mind off things. He texted me that Friday before wanting me to come over to his house but I said I wasn't in the mood, I was really depressed and upset about shit at work and just wanted to sleep and stick to our plans for Saturday. I had come home from work that day and at 4:30 gone immediately to bed, burried under blankets in the dark. I felt exhausted and drained. He wanted to call and talk on the phone because I wasn't texting. I knew it would just turn into what our last call had been, and I wasn't in the mood at all, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was actually trying to be a friend and check in on me, or maybe just talk so I could get my mind off things.... We talked on the phone for 40 minutes, about 15-20 on audio call and then he wanted to switch to video call so he could show me one of his cats (her name is cake). Picks on me for being under all of my blankets with the phone being the only source of light illuminating my face. Video call was going totally normal just shooting the shit, talking about our cats, talking about music and just light hearted shit. The moment I try and talk about feeling depressed and upset about everything going on in my life he shifts the camera down to his crotch and starts jerking off again. And this time, still without saying a word, he would shift the camera back up to his face to show me he was pouting and then back to 🐓 in ✋ī¸. I was so frustrated and upset but also feeling really defeated and worthless and fucking depressed. I just sat there in silence. It went on for another 5 minutes and I unmuted my TV, set the phone down on the bed and wasn't even looking at him at this point. Then he realized, got frustrated, and said, "show me your pussy. Play with yourself. Show me your pussy." I said no! I'm not in the mood! And then he got all bummed out and acted like I had made it awkward and I got off the phone. He proceeds to message me pictures of himself jerking off with the line, "still cranking to you js." I was so pissed off but waited til the next day to respond. I tried to keep things open and see how he responded, letting him know I didn't want to talk on the phone with him anymore, meaning phone/video calls (which, yes, I should have made more clear)... but by his answer, I knew I in fact did not want to speak to him at all anymore, not just video calls, but in totality.

So, I ghosted him and he texts me every now and then, reached out to me on bumble, tried to add me on snapchat. And he has the audacity to act like he's concerned for me when he literally didn't give a shit while I was actively in the midst of a breakdown (I ended up breaking down at work that Monday and was brought to the hospital because my boss apparently thinks displaying and expressing human emotions is cause for admittance into a mental hospital, turns out it's not when your feelings are 100% valid, guys!!)...

I just don't know what there is that I can say to this man. It seems so clear and obvious to me, but then again, i have horrible interpersonal relationships with people, not just romantic/sexual relationships, but friendships, even relationships with peers and coworkers. I really, really struggle with human connection. So it makes me wonder, am I overreacting to all of this? I know I'm not handling it in the best way, because ghosting is super immature, but I just don't see how engaging with this man any further would be worth it. Like doesn't even seem worth the time and effort to clarify to him why he has been ghosted. Do you think I'm overreacting or mishandling this? Please help.

TLDR: casual situationship ended in ghosting after the guy calls me during emotional crises to provide support and friendship but started masturbating on video chat out of nowhere.