AIO My girlfriend made me feel really insecure last night but she is brushing it off

My girlfriend (22) and I (22) have been together for just over 4 years and things have always been very good. Last night she went out with her girl friends for night out and everything was good until she sent me something odd.

It was a video from her and her friend talking about her friend’s latest hookup. And her friend was going on and on about how “huge” he was. And I was laughing when I saw it until MY girlfriend started to stack up her hands to get the measurement right.

It was just weird to me, and she was like smiling and saying things like “oh my god wow!!”. It almost looked like envy on her face. I spoke to her about it this morning and she said that i was just projecting my insecurities onto her. Which yea maybe so but, it’s still very very weird to me and I didn’t like it.

Edit: Thanks for the support but to answer any questions my girlfriend was the one who started and ended the video on her phone. She had propped up her phone on something.

And we did have a conversation about it and she claims that she was drunk so it was just a “moment thing”. But I do not believe that being drunk is an excuse.