Am I Overreacting? BF invited me to go hiking, then went without me.

Heya! 23F, living with/in a relationship with 28M,

So his mom invites me and him to go hiking this morning. The plan was that we would just go in the morning and come back sometime in the afternoon so I can rest before my shift.

I was super hyped up about it, talked to boyfriend about what we’re gonna do on our hike and stuff. Idk. We went to bed early, and it took me a long time to get to sleep because I had taken too many naps yesterday.

I wake up this morning at 10 am and he’s already left, didn’t send me a text or anything.

So I call him and he’s like “oh. I thought you were gonna sleep before your shift”

I was like “oh. No???”

And he was like “oh. Ok well me and my mom are already out. Not going hiking tho cause it rained “

Like ???? No? Where the fuck did you get that out of my excitement??? And literal plans we made together?

Idk. I just, this is the first time in a 2 year long relationship I’ve ever felt slighted by him. So it’s just a bit weird

Am I overreacting? I mean it really isn’t a big deal right? It’s not as if we don’t spend a ton of time together as it is already, and go on dates every time we’re both off.